I was born in late November around Thanksgiving. That means I've never celebrated a birthday when it was warm outside. However, because I live in Mt. Pleasant, SC and the world is going through global warming, we have great weather year round so I have had a few outdoor birthday parties as an adult. All of this is to make the point that people are surprised that I love summer so much. I don't like the cold although I'm a "winter baby".
We can have just about anything we want to eat at anytime nowadays which is nice BUT I'm old school and still enjoy eating certain foods when they are in season. For example, I LOVE watermelon! I love it so much that when I was pregnant (during winter months) I craved it so bad until my mouth would salivate. Publix was my go to for watermelon and I didn't care what it cost. I had to have it. I think they have some of the best fruit for a grocery store. Now when I want a watermelon I try to find a local fruit stand and buy it off the back of the truck. Y'all know what I'm talking about especially if you're from Charleston. I take it home and put it in the fridge and within a few hours I get to slicing. Crazy part is I prefer eating it straight off the rind as opposed to cutting it into chunks. I'm not sure why but it's probably because it reminds me of my childhood eating watermelon on the stoop with my sister and cousins. It was always soooo good!
My second favorite summer food is what I call "wild" plums. Not the plums out of the grocery store but the "wild" ones you find on a tree in someone's yard. Y'all remember? The plums where we always had to sneak and "steal" some off the tree because the old lady whose yard the tree was in NEVER allowed kids to just enjoy the fruit? I found the best at Jefferson's Roadside Fruit Stand on Hamlin Road. I'm talking about the ones that bring back memories of your childhood. Unlike so many foods we eat nowadays, the plums still taste the same. It's literally like going back in time. Unfortunately the trees are very finicky for these plums. I'm not sure why but they tend to bear fruit one year and not bear anything the next or even for a few years. This year I noticed my auntie's tree only had about 3 plums on it. That's the kind of craziness that happens with wild plums.
What's your favorite summer food?
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